Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I Sort Of Marched in the St. Patrick's Day Parade

I'm proud to say, yesterday I produced this story about the LGBT struggle to be included in the St. Patrick's Day parade. Sadly, it didn't air on our network news, but it was on our cable broadcast and news channels (and online, obviously).

It is quite difficult to produce an LGBT story in Japan, where the overwhelming tendency is to put their head in the sand. Ultimately, I have to be grateful to my colleagues and network for even considering it. 

Below, you can find the link to this story on my company's website, and I hyperlinked to it at the top of this post.

If you don't speak Japanese, I took the liberty of typing a rough translation.

(Translation note: I used the term “gay/lesbian group” because in Japanese the word feels more neutral than “homosexual”, and similarly gender-neutral. (同性愛者団体))  

As part of my company's online policy, the video will probably only be available for a few days, but I will keep a copy for my own private portfolio. and you can read the Japanese script below the English translation

(Reporter – Kiyoshi Hirata)
“At this parade, shutting down NYC’s 5th Ave.: coming up next is a gay/lesbian group.”

On the 17th, NYC’s 5th Avenue was colored green by a parade, where this gay/lesbian group marched forward under a banner.
The parade started in the late 18th century in New York and is named for the Christian patron-saint of Ireland.
Never allowing openly gay groups to participate, saying it went against Catholic beliefs, makes this the first group ever to be acknowledged by the organizers.

Craig Robinson (participant)

Although they enjoyed applause from spectators, this was the only gay/lesbian group to receive permission to participate.
Other groups who have spent many long years demanding participation were not accepted.

(Member of a group that has applied to march for 26 years)

The mayor of NYC, who has also called for gay/lesbian rights to openly participate, refused to march as well, saying “At its core, the issue has not yet been resolved.”
The organizers of the parade say “We’ve worked hard to not let the parade be a political platform. This shows our willingness and goodwill toward gay/lesbian groups”
It seems it will take much longer to resolve the complaints surrounding the parade completely.

17日ニューヨークの五番街を緑 に染めたパレードで横断幕を掲
げて行進する同性愛者の団体アイルランド にキリスト教を広めた聖人にち
なみニューヨークでは18世紀後半 から続くセントパトリックデー
の行進でカトリックの教義に反 するとしてこれまで参加が認め

られていなかった同性愛者の団体 が初めて行進しました
本当に感動的な瞬間です長年にわ たり同性愛者の団体としては参加
できませんでしたから参加した 同性愛者の団体
沿道からも大きな拍手が送られました が参加が認められたのは1つの団体
だけ長年にわたって参加を求めて いた多くの団体は認められませんでした
これを進歩とは到底思えません 残りの私たちを締め出す言い訳
としか思えません26年間参加を求めて いる団体
同性愛者の参加を認めるよう訴 えていたニューヨーク市長も問題
の核心部分が解決したわけではない として参加を拒否主催者側はパレード
を政治的立場と無関係にするわれわれ の努力であり同性愛者団体への
友好の意思表示だとしています が完全に門戸が開放されるには
まだ時間がかかりそうです18日 1245

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