2013 was quite the adventure, for me - a year of transitions to be sure!
Inside the control room for the Metro North Rail at Grand Central Terminal, one year ago |
At work, I covered the Boston Marathon bombing; was promoted from "Associate Producer", to "Producer"; started focusing on the United Nations and Security Council much more; met and interviewed all sorts of interesting, sometimes famous, people; produced many many news stories, including one I wrote about craft beer; and almost got to do a live broadcast myself. (The story didn't turn out to be as newsworthy, so it has been placed on my very large back-burner.)
I ended a big chapter in my love life, meaning I am single again, but the break was amicable and mutual, and hopefully we will remain friends. The prospect of dating in New York City is both intriguing and daunting, but I will wade out into those waters when I'm ready.
If you've paid some small attention to my sparse blogging, you'll know I bought an SLR off a friend, and slowly work on my photography skills, and I traveled to South America for the first time, and my first foreign business trip... ever! So yes, this review skips much of my big events and reduces others to broad strokes, but one cannot live in the past, now can one!
2014 promises to be no less engaging and I plan to meet it head on with many New Years resolutions. The first one being this! . . . my online presence. My blog, my Facebook, my social media engagement. I have slacked and probably missed opportunities because of it, but no more! I will blog monthly at least, with more updates, stories from months and years past, and behind-the-scenes photos I may have forgotten to share along the way, going on my new Facebook Page. Feel free to "like" that, and subscribe to this while you're at it. My goal is to create a following to engage with, so it feels less like work, and more like chatting.
I have already started studying on a free app called Duolingo, which I love so far, and I've just been accepted to a beginner's-level Spanish class at the UN, starting next week! Wish me luck.
Another goal is to visit at least 3 new countries this year, and I'm very sorry Japan, but that means I'm focusing on different parts of the globe until 2015, at least. You're always welcome to visit me in New York City!
- Greg
I need to find time to visit. Teach me how to crump!