After all, I had the rare opportunity to attend both!
But let's be honest, the pictures are way more satisfying than the story.
These conventions used to be the stuff of hard-core journalism and things-going-on.
Now they are just over-scripted wastes of money with security that would make George Orwell's imagination run bend over and accept his probe.
Whackos |
The biggest untold story from the RNC was many of the delegates supporting Ron Paul being denied their right to take their seats on the floor and cast their districts' votes, and the one traditionally normal convention act of attempting to introduce a minority report to address the subject was coldly, and blatantly ignored by the chairman. I got to see Ron Paul when he showed up, and talk to delegates who wanted him as their nominee and he had much more, and more diverse, support than the U.S. media bothered to mention.
While I didn't see any sort of real democracy, I did get to see John Voight several times; Sam Donaldson, Geraldo Rivera, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Perry, and other famous so-and-sos, most of whom were close enough to reach out and touch their old, pallid skin, but of course, I didn't.
Just remember democrats, that's one of "yours", so if you think it's enough to be "progressive" and vote democrat, you are ignoring larger systematic problems with our democratic republic.
Again, I saw some famous folks, but I guess the coolest hob-hobnobbing I can brag of was chatting for bit with Mo Rocca when we ended up elbow-to-elbow in a crowded elevator! He is exactly as kind and friendly as you would probably imagine, and since then I've noticed he's been working a lot for CBS this morning, at Studio 57, here in the same building I work every day. Maybe I'll get to see him again?
And to end the trip, I had to drive to another city in North Carolina where an Osprey made an emergency landing, but that ended up earning us exclusive footage! Bonus!
Standard apologies for my infrequent bloggies. But I know have so many good stories and photos in the bank that it shouldn't take long to type up another!
Tune in next time for news (and pictures) of my new apartment! ...or my September full of celebrities. Both are in that bank I spoke of...
Ladies and gentlemen, Mini-Michelle Obama |
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